Erectile Dysfunction Overview
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a major concern for millions of men, but ED is a bit of a catch all term and represents a spectrum of factors for different patients. You're probably familiar with the concept that "no two fingerprints are exactly the same"...well, this applies to erectile dysfunction patients. Many men suffer from ED due to contributing disease states like cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and substance use disorders to name a few. For others, age, stress, depression, surgeries, or injuries may be a factor.
Some men deal with "unsatisfactory" erectile function as a lifelong or recently developing issue. I used quotation marks with unsatisfactory because there are objective and subjective conditions that, while equally significant to the individual, present and are frequently addressed in different ways. Per the University of Wisconsin: Symptoms of mild to moderate ED increased by 10% per decade of life