Mens Health

  1. April 02, 2021

    Exploring Age & Liver Spots Treatments

    Reviewing Popular Treatment Options for Age Spots

    As I stand before the mirror, observing the dark spots on my face – light brown, tan, varying in size, mainly on my cheeks, nose, and a few on the back of my hands – I reflect on the persistent quest to eliminate these harmless yet bothersome marks. Age spots, often linked to sun exposure, have led me to explore numerous treatments and products. Here's an overview of some options and their outcomes:


    Some individuals experiment with natural ingredients like lemon juice, oatmeal, or honey on their skin. While harmless, these are unlikely to yield significant results against age spots.

    Chemical Peel

    A safe approach involves professional application of an acid-based solution to remove layers of skin, stimulating the growth of new skin. This may require multiple sessions and carries potential side effects such as scarring, infection, or changes in skin color.

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  2. November 20, 2019

    Thyroid Cancer Symptoms, Types and Treatments

    An In-Depth Perspective on Thyroid Cancer from a Survivor

    In December 2013, my health journey took a concerning turn. Blurred vision, neck stiffness, persistent pain down my left arm, and excruciating headaches left me feeling that something was seriously amiss. Amidst switching health insurance and awaiting my new primary care physician, I found myself in the throes of discomfort. Once seen by my new doctor, a lump on the front of my neck was discovered during the initial physical exam. Subsequent ultrasound results revealed multiple nodules on my thyroid gland, the largest measuring 1.5cm (0.6 inches) in diameter. The biopsy of five nodules yielded a grim diagnosis: thyroid cancer.

    My Path to Healing

    Surgery ensued to remove my thyroid gland and all nodules. Post-surgery, the remarkable disappearance of neck pain, stiffness, and left arm pain greeted me. My vision returned to normal, and in the aftermath of recovery, I felt a renewed sense of

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  3. October 11, 2019

    Breast Cancer in Men

    Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    When it comes to breast cancer, the common narrative often focuses on women, but it's crucial to recognize that men also have small amounts of breast tissue. Their breast structure resembles that of prepubescent girls. While men can develop breast cancer, it typically doesn't involve the parts responsible for milk production and storage.

    Breast cancer in men tends to be diagnosed later than in women. This delay may be due to a lack of awareness about the risk in men, leading to the neglect of lumps in the breast area. The limited breast tissue in men also makes early cancer detection more challenging, potentially allowing tumors to spread more rapidly.

    Which Men Are More Likely to Develop Breast Cancer?

    A man's likelihood of developing breast cancer increases with age, with most cases occurring between 60 and 70 years old. It's rare for men under 35 to receive a breast cancer diagnosis. Risk factors for breast cancer in men include:

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  4. March 06, 2019

    Erectile Dysfunction and Low Testosterone

    Common Causes and Treatment Options

    Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

    • Reduced blood flow to the penis due to chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hardening of the arteries.

    • Psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and relationship issues.

    • Multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, chronic back pain, and other neurological conditions.

    • Low Testosterone (T) level.

    Low Testosterone (T) and ED

    Today we will talk about the link between low T and ED. If you have low T, your levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone, are below normal. When that happens your sex drive may take a dive and you might develop erectile dysfunction. It has been known that male erections depend on testosterone, however, the relationship between the two is not fully understood. Some men have healthy erections despite low testosterone levels. If we dig deeper, we learn that low

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